What is the Motion Design?

We use visual effects, animation and other cinematic techniques to bring life to their creations. Today’s Motion Graphics Designer creates live video content, graphics, and animation for handheld electronic devices, web programs, video games, and for smartphones and mobile platforms, including apps.

The definition of animation is “the state of being full of life or vigor; liveliness.” And that’s what Motion Graphics Designer do – they bring static images to life, through the motion graphics they create, using 2D and 3D animation. As pointed out by Computerhope, “animation is the illusion of movement created by showing a series of still pictures in rapid succession.”

What kind of elements are useful for the animation?

The animation uses still images to generate the illusion of movement. A person who creates animations is called an animator. Motion Graphics Designers then take those animation skills and use 2D and 3D animation to create the motion design that is needed pending on the project being worked on or the client/company needs.